Wheel of the Year

Tarot Spread

The Wheel of the Year spread is used for forecasting what the querent can expect over the next year. It is very subjective and can allude to actions, achievements, obstacles, relationships…really anything. The layout is as depicted, but the reading generally begins with the next occurring sabbat.

  1. Yule – ~21 Dec.
  2. Imbolc – 31 Jan - 1 Feb.
  3. Ostara – ~21 Mar.
  4. Beltane – 30 Apr - 1 May.
  5. Litha – ~21 Jun.
  6. Lammas – 31 Jul - 1 Aug.
  7. Mabon – ~21 Sep.
  8. Samhain – 31 Oct - 1 Nov.