Consecration of Water

Salt water, once consecrated, is used in spells and rituals as a cleansing and charging agent. The water represents the ethereal world, whereas the salt symbolizes the mundane world. Combining the elements joins these two aspects of existence together and represents the single manifestation of Nature.

Items needed:
Bowl of purified water
Bowl of salt


Using your hands, direct energy into the salt.

This salt, agent of the mundane,
we cleanse you,
exorcising all unnecessary energies, seen and unseen,
and instilling the goodness of Nature.


Using your hands, direct energy into the water.

This water, agent of the ethereal,
we cleanse you,
exorcising all unnecessary energies, seen and unseen,
and instilling the goodness of Nature.


Pour the salt into the water and stir nine times deosil,
nine times widdershins, then nine times deosil to dissolve.


Cover the bowl with your hands.

Bound together with sacred charge,
may you purify and make good all that is touched.
As we will it, so mote it be.

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